Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Justice Ginsburg’s Next Controversy Is Days Away… Ruling on Pro-Trump, Tom Brady’s Appeal

If Tom Brady were Joe Lunchbox, his appeal of an arbitration award would not have won him personal face-time with Judge Richard Berman, who oafishly interfered with the NFL-NFLPA process for hearing grievances. But Judge Berman needed his 15 minutes of fame, which he ingloriously earned—only to be reversed with klieg lights blaring from the Second Circuit.

Now, the Tom Brady and Ruth Bader Ginsburg circuses are on collision course. Brady, a polarizing cheater, is pro-Trump; Ginsburg, a polarizing Supreme Court Justice is anti-Trump. And wouldn’t you know it—she’s assigned to hear emergency appeals from the Second Circuit.

So, one can now expect that Brady’s lawyers—who have endlessly tried his case in the media, to fairly good effect— have a new Trump-card to play—recusal of the biased Justice.

At the end of this wasteful scrum, look for two losers to increase their losses by August: Tom Brady and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Sad to see such talent wasted on their egos.

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